Monday, 10 March 2014

Between Storms

Can I claim the blame for this recent gorgeous weather we've been having please?  It is because I wrote this post about the recent storms quite a few days ago when there rain was still pouring and since then we have had some really sunny days!  Southern England, you are welcome ;-)  
I was using the Pier Collection from Crate Paper for the March challenge at S J Crafts and it was such a perfect fit for rugged beach photos that I thought I would carry on using it for a few more.  The water colour backgrounds and doily cloud prints can be just as easily used for pages about wet weather as the sunny holidays that it was intended for.  Even some of the cut apart word labels fitted my theme!

I like to record and good and the bad in my albums, because, well that's life right?!  The recent weather patterns have been so awful and so many people have suffered floods and lost property and worse.  I wanted to document the general events so I used this photo to lead into the bigger picture. We'd been out on a walk the day after Boxing Day so there had been a storm a couple of days before and several for a few days after.  We managed to actually stay dry on this walk because it rained about 2 minutes after I took this and we dashed under the beach shelter.  It stopped long enough for us to get home again.

This particular walk was significant because when I went back a month later after what we thought was the worst of the weather, the dunes and the sea walls had been badly damaged.  I wonder how things will look when I go back again next week?  It was also a significant walk because it featured my father in law who we don't see much and certainly not for going for a walk with but I have other photos that will tell that story.
As well as the muted colour washed feel of the papers, I used hessian for texture and an umbrella charm and enamel dot "splashes" to signify the weather.

I wonder if anyone else has recording the awful storms in any way?  Here's hoping for some more dry weather so that the flood can really recede and people can get back home again. For now I'll enjoy this wonderful sun!

Bye for now


  1. Love the layout of the this page with the picture at the top left and loads of open space.

  2. I'll let you take the blame for the wonderful weather :) That is a great page, I love all of the little detail x

  3. you made me smile.....I hope this fine weather continues! A fab admiring how you've placed your photo in the top corner x

  4. what a gorgeous page and it all works so well especially loving the doily clouds!

  5. Great page I love your doily clouds and the little cluster of embellishments especially that cute umbrella charm.
    Jenny x


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