Monday, 13 January 2014

One Little Word

So far being forty has been a bit of a mixed bag.  I'm still suffering with this awful cold but I think it is finally on its way out - hurrah - so that wasn't so good.  On the very very up side, my wonderful husband threw a surprise party for me!  Boy was I mad at him, making me get dressed up and go out for dinner when all I wanted to do was have a takeaway in my onesie.  He was so determined to get me out that I suspected he had managed to arrange a late dinner with someone.  Little did I know that it wasn't last minute at all - he'd been planning it for nearly 4 months!!  After lots of hugs with some wonderful people and a couple of glasses of wine, my nose stopped running and my head stopped pounding for a bit and I had a fabulous time with lots of dancing.  

Its a bit odd having a birthday just after Christmas because there's the whole healthy eating / must get fit / New Year's resolutions thing going on.  Not for me though.  I've learned that any new start type things have to wait until after my birthday celebrations have finished!  For me this year with the very extended celebrations it is after next weekend but it won't be a new start with resolutions such as "Run 3 miles every day" or "Only post on Facebook once a week".  No.  Both of those would be very silly for me indeed.  No.  
I wanted to make some big changes this year and I needed some sort of guidance and accountability without the failing side of things you get with very definitive resolutions.  I'd heard things about Ali Edwards One Little Word class before but this year it really grabbed my attention.  You choose a word to kind of "live by", something that embraces the things you want to develop.  People choose words such as flourish, patience, health, up, focus, smile etc, whatever is the area of your life or your self that you might feel needs a bit of work.  

My word is heart.

live with heart
look after my heart
be true to my heart
put my heart into it
make time for love
do what I love
love what I do
love what I have
and to absolutely follow my heart

Each month we have various tasks to try help us live with our words and embrace the changes we want to make.  As the year goes on I'll be sharing more about what my word means to me and how I am living with my word and using it to help my fortieth year be the best year ever.

Bye for now


  1. Happy Birthday again :-) How fabulous to have had a surprise party. I had one for my 30th and it was truly fab.

    Love your word and the way you are using it. I wish you the best with it and for a fantastic year. xxx

  2. WOW - what a lovely surprise - I'm glad you enjoyed it. I ♥ your word ;-D

  3. Sorry to hear you've started the new year with a grotty cold. Happy birthday, did you get some good crafting presents?


  4. Great word, with lots of possibilities. I've picked a word for the past four years now, although I'm not taking the class. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  5. I hope you're feeling better now. Great word for the year xx

  6. What a lovely surprise!

    Hope you're feeling better very soon, so that you can enjoy being fit at forty!

  7. what a lovely husband you have x Glad to hear you are feeling better. I've seen lots on OLW posts...look forward to seeing more from you on it x

  8. Glad you had such a fabulous birthday, you know 40 is the new 30 :)

    Enjoy your word this year, sounds like you're going to have an awesome year x


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