Wednesday, 21 August 2013


Good grief my desk is not so inspiring today is it?!  Plenty of mess as usual but not much in the way of sticking and gluing going on.  In my defence, the laptop is there because I am trying to update my log of layouts and which one's I have left to produce for DT / blog / photograph etc.  It is one of many things on my to-do list but about the only one I have the energy for!

Still, I have enjoyed looking back over my blog at all my layouts and found many that I had forgotten and more still that I want to scrap lift.  What has shocked me though is the amount of times I have said "I really must get myself sorted" and "this time I really will" and such like.  Yet I am no further forward now than at any other point in the last few years.  Hhmmm, must try harder...

I hope your desk is a lot more attractive than mine.  Check out the other desks too at Julia's Stamping Ground.

Bye for now


  1. I'm intrigued by your logging of LOs. I don't really scrap in an organised way at all. I just pick a photo and go to it. The only record is the pages themselves in my albums. But then I am a very irregular scrapper and don't make anywhere near as many pages as you. Hope you had a lovely time away xx
    Fiona #37

  2. I have the same mantra but am really pushing myself to create order over the next two weeks. Only have energy now though because I have been off.

  3. If you didn't need to get organised it would indicate you weren't creating and that is not good!!!! When I get round to doing a bit of organising I always find something inspiring hidden away and then organising is forgotten again ;-) It is the way it is meant to be!!!! Happy WOYWW from Helen 71 x

  4. I agree with Helen...we can't all be organized how boring a WOYWW hop that would be! Take delight in what you do accomplish and like the words of a song.....don't worry be happy. :) Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #1

  5. Honestly I find a bot of mess (let's call it "work in progress") inspiring because it lets me know I'm not the only one!

  6. You sound like me vowing to get my craft space under control, but still haven't yet!


  7. Well, seeing as you've only just returned from Gods Own Country (!!) it's not surprising that you haven't been up to much, craft wise. It's the summer, enjoy the chilling. We have to make a meet up date though, only if you want to, of course!!
    Hugs, LLJ 63 xx

  8. I am so with you about 'getting sorted' Every year I say I will start Birthday cards/ Christmas well in advance, still haven't got around to it. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #50 xx

  9. It doesn't take long to make a dap bag!! What colours would you like and when by? It might be that I have to post it, as I can't see a meet up before she goes to school (lots going on with my dad in Wales) but I could send it no probs.
    Email me your colour preference and addy, and I'll see what I can do!!
    LLJ xxxx

  10. I love looking back through my blog at the old layouts I did too x

  11. Hi Lisa-Jane
    your desk is looking good to me it looks constructive and that is the sign of a creative mind
    Have a really great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
    Hugs Ria #85

  12. I think it is inspiring, so vivid and bright! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #20

  13. Your desk is great and good to look at. I've messed up my space again now :-) Am always trying to get organised :-) Thanks for popping by. Anne x #90

  14. Hi thanks for stopping by earlier !
    Don't be so hard on yourself with your dream of being organised.
    Life is seldom like that in my experience !
    You are still here making friends & creating - just relax, cut yourself some slack & enjoy ! Ali xx

  15. Hi L-J!! Oh my .... Getting Organised ... now you know how I could go on about it as I'm the most unorganised person in the world!! :) I only wish I could even think of logging layouts to keep track of them!! Hope you're enjoying your Summer! xx

  16. hmmm....logging layouts, not done that either...that it too much organisation for me. Your desk does look like a hive of activity though x

  17. Bust desk as Usual. I think a lot of us are of the lets get organised, lets get tidy gang and in reality life is so hectic with kids, housework, work that we never get round to it.

  18. It's the time it takes to get sorted that could be used more creatively that stops us. I tell myself.
    was som relieved to see that despite you using the laptop to record and note Dt pieces etc, you still have a pen and paper list too....I thought for a minute we were in for a bust up!!


Hi there! Thanks for leaving me a message! It always makes me smile when someone stops by and says hello :-)